“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are your doing for others?’”

St. Francis Kitchen
We collect gently-used, season- appropriate clothing to be delivered to St. Francis Soup Kitchen in Scranton. There is a marked box in Fellowship Hall for donations. We contribute financially to the kitchen and serve a meal monthly
Earth Care
Our congregation has been designated an Earth Care Congregation through a PCUSA program. This program, through the PCUSA Office of Environmental Ministries has congregations taking an Earth Care Pledge and completing activities and projects in the fields of worship, education, facilities and outreach.

Our congregation is a part of the PennDOT's Adopt-a-Highway Program. We are responsible for cleaning a section of the Morgan Highway four times a year.
Voluntary Action Center
The Voluntary Action Center in Scranton creates "Care Bags" to be donated to social service agencies in our community. We contribute travel-size hand sanitizers annually for the bags which are distributed in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

Pentecost Offering
Every year our church collects a special offering for Pentecost that goes to the Presbyterian Mission Agency to benefit children and youth. Children and youth are the heart of the annual Pentecost offering. A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people through Young Adult Volunteers and Ministries for Youth. Forty percent of the Pentecost offering can be retained by our congregation to make an impact in the lives of young people within our own community.
Souper Bowl Sunday
Every year on the Sunday of the NFL's Super Bowl, the Souper Bowl of Caring collects money to support local food banks. -more information-

Links to Agencies and Groups
Abington Ecumenical Ministry Heating Assistance Fund